
How To Get Rid Of Grasshoppers In Your Garden Naturally

How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers & Locusts Fast with Natural Home Remedies


Grasshoppers and locusts can leave a destructive mark on garden beds if they aren't dealt with quickly. Here are our top suggestions for getting rid of grasshoppers and locusts using natural home remedies.

1. Apply a Garlic Spray
Garlic odor may help deter grasshoppers and other common garden pests. To make the garlic spray, blend two bulbs of garlic with 10 cups of water then heat up the mixture until it starts to boil. Next, let the mixture sit overnight.

To use the garlic spray, fill a spray bottle with one part garlic solution and three part water. Once ready, spray the solution onto the leaves of affected plants. Be sure to spray the undersides of the leaves as well. You can also buy grasshopper garlic spray online if that's what you prefer.

Garlic for Grasshoppers

2. Dust the Leaves with Flour
Flour can cause grasshoppers to starve by gumming up their mouth. Get some ordinary all-purpose flour (don't use other types of flour as they may contain substances like salt) and sprinkle a thin layer on the leaves of affected plants. The grasshoppers will start to eat the flour on the plant foliage and eventually die from starvation.

3. Introduce Natural Predators
A long-term solution is to attract natural grasshopper and locust predators to your garden. For example, many species of birds, such as swallows, like to feast on grasshoppers. To attract these birds, you may want to set up a bird feeder or bird bath in the backyard.

You could also introduce beneficial insects that like to prey on grasshoppers. Common examples include spiders and praying mantis.

4. Set up a Long Grass Trap
Grasshoppers prefer areas with long grass. You could try and isolate the grasshoppers to one area of the garden by growing a patch of uncut grass in an isolated corner. The grasshoppers and locust will start to aggregate in this area, which makes it a lot easier for you to catch the grasshoppers.

5. Raise Your Own Chickens or Guinea Fowls
This won't be realistic for everybody but raising chickens and guinea fowls is one of the most effective options for controlling common garden pests like grasshoppers. These insects make a good meal for the birds because they are protein-dense.

Grasshoppers are part of a group of garden insects (e.g. caterpillars, aphids) that can cause quite a bit of damage to your plants if they aren't dealt with quickly. In the US, they tend to be most problematic during the summer months (June, July, early August). We suggest you have the prevention steps ready well before then.

Pest Control | Published: | Updated: 06/13/2021

How To Get Rid Of Grasshoppers In Your Garden Naturally


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